Not Financially Stable and Pregnant

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Pregnant woman wearing red dress standing near a wall - Not Financially Stable and Pregnant.

One of the biggest life events for many is when they find that they’re going to be parents. This life-altering event brings with it a multitude of both positive and negative. 

If you’re someone who is not financially stable, you may find that your emotions were more towards the stress and anxiety than the joy that should come with finding out you’re expecting.

Being pregnant and having a child is a joyous event but also a bit expensive. So if you’re someone who is not financially stable, you may be stressed out even more, which in turn is not very good for the baby. 

So trying to figure out what to do when you’re in this situation should be your top two priorities. The first, of course, should be your health, but becoming financially stable can help you maintain a good handle on any health issues and concerns that arise from pregnancy. 

So let’s take a look at how you handle not being financially stable and finding out you’re pregnant.


Where Should You Seek Help?

Pregnancy can be stressful even if you are financially stable. But being financially unstable and pregnant stress tenfold easily. If you find yourself in this situation, you’re probably wondering who you can reach out to for help.

You can take a wealth of avenues to address the issue. The very first people that might come to mind are your family. Every family is financially stable then. 

Perhaps they can lend a helping hand or at least help you get on your feet so that you can manage to find a way to sustain yourself.

Maybe the best option is to reach out to a financial institution or government program that can help you ensure that he has everything you need for this delicate time of your life. 

Programs like Medicaid and food stamps can help you ensure that though you are not financially stable, you can get health care as well as the proper food.


Where Can You Live?

Once again, when it comes to finding a place to live, maybe the easiest option is reaching out to friends and family. These are individuals that love you and are willing to lend a helping hand. But what do you do if you don’t have friends or family that you can rely on?

If you’re pregnant and struggling financially, there is a wealth of charitable organizations that can help you both find a place to live or give you a place to live. 

Reaching out to local government resources is the first step, as they should be able to point you in the right direction to find these organizations.


Where Could You Work?

The truth is you may find it difficult to work a regular job. Depending on how far along you are and what type of pregnancy you have, finding work that will help you become financially stable might be a struggle. 

The good thing is nowadays, there are so many work-from-home jobs that all you need there’s a laptop and Wi-Fi. Other than that, you can also do things like food delivery or even babysitting. 

When it comes to actual jobs, the best option would be those that are less active so that you can keep the pregnancy safe. 

In the end, though there are plenty of options and places you could work, reaching out to local charities and government resources may give you even more options.


Should You Go Back to Your Family?

We stated several times that one of the answers is always reaching out to your friends and family. But do you want to go back to your family? This, of course, is a personal decision because it depends on your relationship with them.

If you have a good relationship with your family and they’re open to the idea, there should be no hesitation. After all, going to save money and become financially stable in the future. 

This may ensure that once the baby does come, you’re able to support them healthily. So, taking a step back and relying on your family may not be bad.


List of Organizations that Will Help You

If you’re still unsure, a wealth of organizations want to help you. We thought we’d give you a list of a few places you can reach out to help you through this trying time:


  • WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)
  • Children’s Health insurance program
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
  • Medicaid
  • Every Mother Counts
  • March of Dimes


Final Thoughts on Being Not Financially Stable and Pregnant

Being as stress-free as possible is vitally important during pregnancy. One of the biggest stressors, no matter your condition, is always being financially stable. 

But if you find yourself pregnant and struggling with financial instability, all you have to do is reach out to the above organizations, and they should be able to assist you in finding a way through these trying times.