Fidelity Spire Vs Mint

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Woman holding a phone in front of a laptop watching finance related application - Fidelity Spire Vs Mint

In this present day, it is very important to have a budget. Having a budget can help you keep track of your spending and ensure that you can save for the future. But, most importantly, it helps keep you out of debt.

Against this backdrop, many Finance companies have come out with Budgeting Apps. This is mainly targeting young adults and helping them with their finances.

Budgeting apps help keep track of your finances. It gives you a breakdown of your earnings, expenditure, savings, and changes you may need to consider.

Currently, there are many budgeting apps you can choose from. Fidelity Spire and Mint are two such apps. They provide a good service and are user-friendly.


Which One Has Better Quality?

Fidelity Spire is a goal-based app that helps save, plan, and invest in short-term and long-term goals. It is a good app for managing student loans. It allows you to :


  • Invest in stocks and mutual funds
  • View your financial goals in one place
  • Keep track of your financial progress
  • Keep track of your accounts


The Mint app does a bit more than simply budgeting. It allows you to :


  • Connect to all your accounts
  • Provides a monthly bill tracker
  • Provides reminders and alerts
  • Provides a cash flow tracking


Looking closely, Mint has the edge over Fidelity Spire. This is because they provide a more comprehensive service which is attractive to investors.


What Are The Differences?

Fidelity Spire focuses mainly on saving and investing your money. It will set goals and help keep track of your investments. In addition, it allows you to prioritize your debts and compare your investment goals.

This app also provides a ‘Learn’ section,’ which offers advice and financial tips on how to invest. This helps in keeping investors motivated and well-informed in making decisions.

The Mint app also keeps track of your finances. But it also provides a credit monitoring service as well as alerts you when your bills and subscriptions are due. In addition, this app will notify you when funds are low.


Pros And Cons Of Fidelity Spires Vs. Mint

Both these apps have strengths and shortcomings. First, considering Fidelity Spire, its strengths are :


  • Free to use
  • Strong financial planning apps
  • Links external accounts to keep track of goals


The shortcomings are :


  • Does not offer an in-depth budgeting tool
  • Can incur fees and costs when accessing other accounts


The strengths of Mint are :


  • Free to use
  • Can manage all your finances
  • Can easily add investment accounts
  • Syncs well with financial institutions
  • Prompt alerts on any changes
  • Offers live chat support


The shortcomings are :


  • Some banks/financial institutions may not connect with Mint
  • Constantly having to update manual accounts


Price Range: Fidelity Spire Vs. Mint

The Fidelity Spire app is a free app that can be used even if you do not have a Fidelity account. It is available on iPhone and Android. If signing in on iOS, you will get a ‘guest membership.’

As a ‘guest,’ you can try out the app and its tools before making a decision. Unfortunately, there is no paid version for Fidelity Spire.

The Mint app has a free version and a paid version. The free version is available on iPhone, Android, and web browsers. The drawback here is that you have to watch a lot of advertisements.

The paid version is only available for iOS and iPhone. It costs 99 cents a month with added premium features and no advertisements.


Final Verdict: Fidelity Spire Vs. Mint

Having a budgeting app will help you keep track of your finances. The app will let you know your income, expenses, savings, and long-term financial goals. What type of app you choose will depend on the services you require.

Fidelity Spire and Mint are the most popular budgeting apps right now. This is because they both offer excellent features even though they differ in certain areas.

In the end, it is up to you to decide which app to go with. After all, you need to be confident that the app will help you manage your finances and maintain a healthy bank account.

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