Category: Uncategorized

  • 529 vs. Taxable Investment Account

    If you’re a parent or planning to become one soon, you might be wondering how best to save up for your little one’s education. And let’s face it, with ever-increasing tuition fees, and it’s never too early to start planning!  You might have heard of two popular options are a 529 college savings plan and…

  • Investment In the SP500 vs. Savings Account

    Investing your hard-earned money is something that can be stressful and challenging but is vitally important to ensuring your financial stability in the future. Therefore, we understand the importance of choosing the right investment strategy to grow your hard-earned money.  That’s why we’re going to provide an in-depth analysis of the pros and cons of…

  • Charles Schwab vs. Chase Bank Retirement Accounts

    Retirement planning can be a daunting task, but it’s an important one that shouldn’t be ignored. Choosing the right retirement account is key to ensuring a comfortable and secure future.  Two of the most popular options out there are Charles Schwab and Chase Bank retirement accounts. While both offer a range of benefits, some key…

  • TD vs. RBC Investment Account

    TD vs. RBC Investment Account

    Investing your money can be an intimidating task, especially when it comes to selecting the right investment account. With so many options out there, it can be tough to know which one is the right fit for you.  That’s where TD and RBC come in – these are two of the most well-known investment accounts. …

  • Acorn Investments vs. Savings Account

    Are you looking for a simple and effective way to grow your money? Two popular options that you may have heard of are Acorn Investments and saving accounts.  While both offer ways to increase your wealth, they operate differently and come with their own sets of pros and cons.  In this blog, we’re going to…

  • After-Tax 401k Contributions vs. Taxable Investment Accounts

    Let’s face it, one of the most confusing and important things to begin looking at for your future is your retirement accounts. There are a lot of options out there, and as we said, it can be quite confusing to choose which option to go with.  Today we will look at two options you may…

  • Dollar Cost Averaging vs. Buying the Dip

    Investing can sometimes feel like a roller coaster ride filled with thrilling highs and stomach-churning lows. It’s not uncommon for emotions to occur while you watch your hard-earned money fluctuate in value.  And maybe on top of all the thrilling feelings and nerves comes confusion regarding the best strategy.  Two approaches that can potentially help…

  • Dollar Cost Averaging vs. Lump Sum Investing

    When you’re investing your hard-earned money in the stock market, you’re going to run into many different terms and strategies that could be very confusing.  So if you are someone who’s looking to invest in the stock market, you might have heard of two very popular investment strategies during your research- dollar cost averaging and…

  • Dollar Cost Averaging Daily vs. Weekly

    So are you thinking of dipping your toes into the world of investing but aren’t sure about the best way to start? Or maybe you were already a seasoned investor looking for ways to optimize your investment strategy. Either way, you’ve come to the right place!  In this article, we’re going to be discussing the…

  • Dollar Cost Average Daily vs. Weekly Bitcoin

    A lot of people are diving into the world of cryptocurrency. But there are so many different options for investment strategies out there that it can be quite overwhelming.  For example, if you’re looking for a smart strategic way to invest in Bitcoin, you may have come across the concept of dollar cost averaging.  But…

  • Chase Investment Account vs. Fidelity

    When it comes to investing, there are a lot of options available in the market, but selecting the right one can be quite overwhelming. Two of the most popular investment account options out there are Chase Investment Account and Fidelity.  As someone who is just getting started with investing or someone who wants to switch…

  • Retirement Account Value vs. Vested Balance

    Retirement Account Value vs. Vested Balance

    When it comes to retirement planning, there are a lot of confusing things to learn and research. One of them may be the difference between a retirement account value and your vested balance.  As we said, this is a confusing topic, but understanding the different components that make up your retirement savings is key.  That’s…

  • Front Loading Vs Dollar Cost Averaging

    So are you getting ready to take your resume game to the next level? If so, you probably come across the debate between front-loading and dollar-cost averaging. Both started to have pros and cons, but which is the best fit for you?  We’re going to break this down by looking at some of the basics…

  • Why Dollar Cost Averaging is a Martingale?

    Why Dollar Cost Averaging is a Martingale?

    Investing can be a great way to grow your wealth, but it can also be daunting for many people. With so many options and strategies to choose from, it’s easy to be overwhelmed and unsure about where to start. One strategy that has gained a lot of attention in recent years is dollar cost averaging. …

  • How to Learn Accounting for Investing?

    How to Learn Accounting for Investing?

    Investing in stocks, bonds, or other financial assets can be an excellent way to grow your wealth over time. However, before you get into investing, it’s crucial to have a few solid skills, including an understanding of accounting principles.  Accounting is the language of business and finance, and friends are a framework for understanding the…

  • How to Dollar Cost Average in Robinhood

    How to Dollar Cost Average in Robinhood

    One of the best ways to improve your financial portfolio is to begin investing. Because it is such a great way, there are many applications that you can use to do this. Maybe one of the most popular apps when it comes to investing is Robinhood. But if you’re new to Robinhood, there may be…

  • How Many Investment Accounts Can You Have?

    How Many Investment Accounts Can You Have?

    Investing is a challenging and even stressful endeavor. It indicates that there are many unanswered issues regarding it. If you’re anything like us, you may have wondered how many investing accounts a person is truly allowed to have. It’s a common question, particularly as we want to try to diversify our portfolios and increase income.…

  • Best Frequency for Dollar Cost Averaging

    Best Frequency for Dollar Cost Averaging

    If you’re interested in investing, then you’ve probably heard of dollar cost averaging. It’s a popular strategy for investing in the stock market that involves buying a fixed amount of a particular investment at a regular invoice or for a long period. But have you ever wondered what the best frequency is for dollar cost…

  • Why Not Put Your Spouse’s Name On Investment Accounts?

    Why Not Put Your Spouse’s Name On Investment Accounts?

    We often hear about couples sharing their finances and pulling their resources to invest together. It’s a great way to build wealth and work towards shared financial goals. However, have you ever considered the potential pitfalls of putting your spouse’s name on investment accounts? While it may seem like a logical step towards building a…

  • How To Improve Confidence Level And Risk Tolerance

    How To Improve Confidence Level And Risk Tolerance

    Confidence and risk tolerance are important skills. After all, both can greatly impact your personal and professional life. Confidence helps us to believe in ourselves, our abilities, and our decisions. While risk tolerance allows us to take chances to pursue our goals without being held back by fear of failure, the good news is that…

  • How To Get More Money Into Retirement Account

    How To Get More Money Into Retirement Account

    There are a lot of things that individuals should consider as they get older. And one of the biggest parts of that aging process is retirement. While it may seem like something that’s far off in the distance, it’s never too early (or late) to start planning for your golden years. And one of the…

  • Best Careers to Build Wealth

    In today’s world, we all strive to achieve financial stability and security, and one of the ways to do that is by choosing a career path that offers ample opportunities for building wealth. While there’s no magic formula for getting rich quickly, certain careers have a higher potential for generating substantial income over time. From…

  • Can You Dollar Cost Average a 401k Rollover?

    Can You Dollar Cost Average a 401k Rollover?

    If you’re looking to roll over 401K into a new attire account, you might be wondering if this tragedy can also be applied to your rollover. Well, hopefully, after this blog, you will wonder no more! We’re going to take a deep dive into whether or not dollar cost averaging is a viable option for…

  • How to Build a Wealth Consciousness

    How to Build a Wealth Consciousness

    Many of us dream of being financially secure and living a life of comfort. But sometimes, this dream seems elusive, and one of the main reasons is a lack of understanding and awareness around wealth consciousness. Wealth consciousness is a mindset that allows individuals to track and manifest abundance in their lives. You do this…

  • How to Build Wealth Outside of Stocks

    How to Build Wealth Outside of Stocks

    Whenever a lot of people start talking about building wealth, stocks automatically come up in the conversation. You’re not alone if you’re tired of constantly hearing about how the stock market is the only way to build wealth. While investing in stocks can be a great way to grow your wealth, it’s not the only…

  • How Does Opening a Retirement Account Help With Medicaid?

    How Does Opening a Retirement Account Help With Medicaid?

    When it comes to retirement, several things have to be considered, and maybe one of the most important is how you’re going to financially be able to support it. After all, as you age, many things come into play, including health, and not having the right coverage or savings could hinder you from being able…

  • What Are the Essential Elements of Wealth Building?

    What Are the Essential Elements of Wealth Building?

    Many people look to build wealth throughout their life. This is intended to help them find their way to living a more comfortable lifestyle and prepare themselves for their elderly years when they can retire. But how do you build wealth? What are the essential elements you need to build the wealth you are looking…

  • What is the Limited Margin in a Retirement Account?

    What is the Limited Margin in a Retirement Account?

    When it comes to life, there are certain stages that you have to pay attention to. One of them comes as you age and begin the process of starting retirement. You want to ensure that you are living comfortably after leaving your career, which means focusing on retirement accounts. But there are so many different…

  • Is Buying a House Before a Car a Good Idea?

    Is Buying a House Before a Car a Good Idea?

    Adulthood comes with a ton of decisions that need to be made. Everything from that job you choose to where you live becomes your decision solely. If you find yourself with this stable job and income, the next big step is investing in your future by purchasing either a home or a car. But which…

  • How Are Joint Investment Accounts Taxed?

    How Are Joint Investment Accounts Taxed?

    When you are merging your life, one of the big steps that many people take is the merging of their finances. When you move two accounts into a joint account, especially regarding savings, this can be a very smart move. However, one question often arises: how our joint investment accounts are taxed and who gets…

  • How to Build Wealth While Homeless?

    How to Build Wealth While Homeless?

    We have all heard the stories of rags to riches. We all look up to these inspirational stories, especially when we’re hitting hard times. Nothing is as exciting as hearing the story of someone who was homeless and worked their way to being wealthy. But how do you build wealth while you’re homeless? The truth…

  • How to Build Wealth With a Regular Job?

    How to Build Wealth With a Regular Job?

    Most of us look to build a secure future, and that means building wealth during our younger years. But unless you land a lucrative job or come from a family that has money, how do you build wealth? In other words, how can you build wealth if you’re working a traditional nine-to-five regular job? Getting…

  • What is a Non-Prototype Retirement Account?

    What is a Non-Prototype Retirement Account?

    When it comes to future plans, retirement and saving for that retirement is one of the most crucial considerations any adult has to make. The truth is there are a lot of different types of retirement plans and accounts out there that you have to wade through to decide which one is the right one…

  • Why Should Financial Literacy Be Taught in Schools?

    Why Should Financial Literacy Be Taught in Schools?

    Money cannot buy happiness, but it is a vital part of being happy. That may be a controversial thing to say, but it is the truth because money is what allows you to live. That means that having literacy around your finances is key to ensuring happiness and security. Depending on the amount of financial…

  • Why Is Investing In Single Stocks a Bad Idea?

    Why Is Investing In Single Stocks a Bad Idea?

    When you’re looking to invest your hard-earned money, you need to dive deep into understanding what avenues are the best for you. Often if you’re unhappy and knowledgeable about the stock market, you may look at single stocks as a viable option. But are single stocks a good idea for a profitable portfolio where you…

  • You Can’t Stop Spending Your Money

    You Can’t Stop Spending Your Money

    In order to be able to comfortably live, understanding how to manage your money is vital. But unfortunately, many of us struggle with this idea and often wind up spending money we either don’t have or shouldn’t be spending. Even if we know that we shouldn’t be doing it, it’s an inclination that many of…

  • Why Don’t Americans Save Money?

    Why Don’t Americans Save Money?

    Whether it is an aspect of your retirement plan or simply a rainy day stash, having a savings account could be a vital part of your financial well-being. Unfortunately, even though this is known in the United States, it is still not given the importance it deserves. In fact, over half of the population does…

  • Income vs. Wealth

    Some words in the English language have become interchangeable even though there are distinctive differences between them. For example, when looking at financial and economic terms, two of those are income and wealth. These two words, though, are widely different, and it is key to natural solvency and the differences. Income is the money that…

  • What the Rich & Wealthy Do Differently?

    What the Rich & Wealthy Do Differently?

    For those of us that strive to become rich and wealthy, oftentimes, what it is that we do differently that allows us to live such a luxurious and lavish life. The truth is that becoming rich and building your wealth is work, just like what we all do, but there may be some habits and…

  • VOO vs. VTI

    Diversification of your financial portfolio is vital to ensuring that you have a good return on your investments. One of the ways many people look to do this is through the use of exchange-traded funds. ETFs are a great way to allow you access to a wide range of companies all in one place. This…

  • Wealthfront Performance vs. S&P Index Fund

    Investing can be challenging, especially when you’re just getting into it. There are many new terminologies and many options out there that may come across your desk. One of those may be trying to decide between utilizing a robo-advisor financial service like Wealthfront Performance or going with an S&P index fund. Either one has its…

  • Wealthfront vs. Betterment

    Like many other aspects of society, investing has undergone many changes over the past couple of decades with the continued growth of technological capabilities. One of the advancements that came along with this was automated investing platforms. Tons of these platforms remove you from having to do with traditional brokerages, and two of the best…

  • Factora Wealth Reviews

    Factora Wealth Reviews

    Like in many industries, women in the wealth management and financial industries struggle with not having a lot of representation. In addition, there are unique challenges that women have to embrace in these fields, and finding a system that specifically provides answers to these is hard. Many women that have been looking for help understanding…

  • Do Bounced Checks Affect Your Credit?

    Do Bounced Checks Affect Your Credit?

    Writing checks used to be the standard way. But as people move to online payments, writing checks has become less and less frequent. Therefore, a lot of information is unknown to many about how exactly checks affect your credit. For example, one of the questions is whether bounce checks can negatively affect your credit. Though…

  • Do Women’s Rolex Hold Value?

    Do Women’s Rolex Hold Value?

    Every piece of jewelry or accessory has value regarding not only memories but also financially. One of the most sought-after statement pieces are watches, and amongst these watches, very few brands hold as much status as that Rolex. This doesn’t matter whether it’s a men’s or a woman’s Rolex. Because of the high-class craftsmanship and…

  • Can You Make 6 Figures Without a Degree?

    Can You Make 6 Figures Without a Degree?

    When you were growing up, you were probably told that you had to finish high school and go to College to find a job that could leave you with the right amount of money coming into your bank account. The truth is a college degree does help in many aspects. Most experts say that it…

  • Is $10 Million Net Worth Enough to Retire?

    Is $10 Million Net Worth Enough to Retire?

    At some point in our lives we begin thinking about retirement. However, not knowing what you need to have in your bank account when you retire can be quite frustrating. It’s hard to plan if you don’t know the right amount. You may have quite a bit of money and still have the same question…

  • Passive Income From $10 Million Dollars

    Passive Income From $10 Million Dollars

    To maintain your wealth, it is suggested that you have multiple forms of income coming in. One of the easiest is, of course, passive income. There is a wealth of different options out there that fall within this category. Passive income is any type of income that has work up front but then, once that…

  • Six Figure Salary Lifestyle

    Six Figure Salary Lifestyle

    A six-figure salary is a career goal of almost anyone. For some reason, when we set down to pot out our career, that is the number that sticks in our heads as equating to success. A six-figure salary sure looks like a lot, whether that be $150,000 or $650,000. But what kind of lifestyle comes…

  • Robo-advisor vs. Index Funds

    Robo-advisor vs. Index Funds

    If you are looking for a budget-friendly alternative to a money manager, you may well be choosing between a Robo-advisor and index funds. They both are easy to use and give you the ability to diversify your investments. So which is the right one for you? Each has its strengths and drawbacks. The index finds…

  • Should I Use a Robo-Advisor?

    Should I Use a Robo-Advisor?

    There are many options when it comes to money management services, and one of the most popular nowadays is Robo advisors. These investment management tools are budget-friendly and allow the individual to focus on things that are more important to them than sitting there trying to come up with strategies to invest their money. Suppose…

  • What’s More Valuable Than Money?

    What’s More Valuable Than Money?

    Many people put a lot of stock in the almighty dollar, but to live a happy and healthy life, money is not a necessity. Though it makes things easier, there are things in life that are far more valuable than those colorful printed pieces of paper. Things like your time and friendship are vastly more…

  • What To Do With 400,000 Dollars?

    What To Do With 400,000 Dollars?

    There’s nothing like coming into a lump sum of money at just the right time. But when you receive a lump sum like $400,000, it may be challenging to figure out what to do with it.  For many people who have never had that type of money, it becomes almost stressful and anxiety-ridden to try…

  • What Is the Value of Money In Life?

    What Is the Value of Money In Life?

    “Money can’t buy you happiness.” This is one of the many quotes out there about money that everyone knows and spouts out the drop of a hat. Money is a vital part of our life and a crucial part of that sustaining a comfortable one.  But sometimes, this focus on money can become too much.…

  • Not Financially Stable and Pregnant

    Not Financially Stable and Pregnant

    One of the biggest life events for many is when they find that they’re going to be parents. This life-altering event brings with it a multitude of both positive and negative.  If you’re someone who is not financially stable, you may find that your emotions were more towards the stress and anxiety than the joy…

  • My Parents Are Rich But Won’t Give Me Money

    My Parents Are Rich But Won’t Give Me Money

    Most people assume that when a family is rich, the children will be spoiled. But not every rich person sees it the same way. For example, suppose you’re someone whose parents are rich but won’t give you the money. You may find it frustrating. But the truth is that no matter how rich the parents…

  • My Friend Has Nowhere to Live

    My Friend Has Nowhere to Live

    Homelessness is a big issue across the globe. No matter where you live, you’re bound to have seen some people that are down on their luck and wound up out on the streets.  But when it’s someone close to you, that can be quite challenging, and many questions arise, so this situation begins to happen.…

  • My Family Only Wants My Money

    My Family Only Wants My Money

    Having money is a luxury and a blessing to many people. But it can also have its downfalls. Unfortunately, some people within your life will financially abuse you as long as you let them.  When it’s friends and acquaintances, it’s very easy to turn a blind eye, but when it’s family, it becomes more difficult.…

  • Morgan Stanley Vs. Charles Schwab

    Morgan Stanley Vs. Charles Schwab

    If you’re trying to set yourself up for a comfortable future, you may be looking into one of the many different wealth management companies available.  Of course, Morgan Stanley and Charles Schwab are two of the most popular wealth management companies. But how do you choose between the two? Each of these has its positives…

  • Is Betterment Worth It?

    Is Betterment Worth It?

    Betterment is a financial advisory company providing digital investment and cash management services. It has three areas of business. They are:   Retail Investment Platform For Advisors 401(k) For Mid-Market Business   Betterment offers financial advice via Robo-advisor technologies. It also offers taxable and tax-advantaged investment accounts and Roth individual retirement accounts. Betterment makes investing…

  • Is It Better To Pay Bills Early Or On Time?

    Is It Better To Pay Bills Early Or On Time?

    The common census is that it is always better to pay your bills early. You do not know what may happen in the future, so it is best to be prepared. Paying your bills early can also reduce your stress. You can plan out how much you need to put aside for your bills every…

  • Is Your First Paycheck Always Low?

    Is Your First Paycheck Always Low?

    It’s an exciting time of your life when you get your first job. Then, finally, you can buy what you want without having to pay your parents money, which gives us all a sense of maturity. But then it happens! You get that first check, and it is not what you expected. This is quite…

  • Life With $10 Million Dollars

    Life With $10 Million Dollars

    For most of us, having $10 million in our bank accounts seems like a dream. But it can be a reality if you work hard and are patient. For those of us, that dream, thinking about what life would be like with $10 million dollars. The truth is it would be very different from the…

  • Money Doesn’t Make Me Happy

    Money Doesn’t Make Me Happy

    There is a saying, “money can’t buy happiness,” and to a certain extent, this is true. Money can get you other things, though. It can make your life more comfortable and secure. You can buy a house, or a car, go abroad for vacations, dine out in fancy restaurants and do anything else that you…

  • Is 75,000 A Year a Good Salary?

    Is 75,000 A Year a Good Salary?

    Back in the year 1950, the financial life of the average American looked quite a bit different. A family’s rent would amount to about $50. The same family would have lived on a salary of just over $3000 per year. Fast-forward to the year 2022, and inflation has drastically changed the landscape of the American…

  • How to Borrow Money From Interactive Brokers?

    How to Borrow Money From Interactive Brokers?

    Interactive Brokers is a digital trading space designed to be very effective for and offer competitive industry benefits to those who want to seriously get into the world of trading. As a result, the platform has received very good rankings from various business websites. One of the many services provided on the Interactive Brokers platform…

  • How Much is a Pound of Loose Change Worth?

    How Much is a Pound of Loose Change Worth?

    We all have that place in our homes where loose change just seems to accumulate. Whether yours is a swear jar, a piggy bank, or an empty can in the cupboard, you likely also have a good amount of coins that you’ve been holding on to. So you’ve found your stash of change! The question…

  • I Can’t Find A Job And I Need Money

    I Can’t Find A Job And I Need Money

    Finding a job can be rather stressful. You apply to many places and then wait for a favorable response. Most often, you will have to keep repeating the process. This can be overwhelming. You may feel discouraged and anxious the longer it takes to find a job. At this stage, it is best to review…

  • How To Make Money With Vanguard

    How To Make Money With Vanguard

    Vanguard is an investment management company. It is the world’s largest provider of mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). They offer services such as :   Brokerage Services Variable and Fixed Annuities Educational Account Services Asset Management Trust Services Financial Planning   The distinctive structure of Vanguard is that the shareholders are the owners. This…

  • How Many Jobs Is Too Many?

    How Many Jobs Is Too Many?

    Finding that perfect job is difficult. There are a lot of factors that you need to consider. First, you need to find a job that suits your skills, challenges you, and pays well. Unfortunately, you do not always get the right job the first time around. Most of the time, you will have to go…

  • How Long Can 10 Million Dollars Last?

    How Long Can 10 Million Dollars Last?

    If you have 10 million dollars, then you are extremely fortunate. You can have a good standard of living without having to work. It also opens up a whole spectrum of opportunities for you. If you prudently invest the 10 million dollars, you are assured of financial stability. As a result, you can retire early,…

  • Can You Get Fired for Cashing a Check Twice?

    Can You Get Fired for Cashing a Check Twice?

    When you look around at the world of personal finance as we know it today, it may appear that the door is rapidly closing on the days of pen and paper check transactions. However, we currently live in a world of electronic transfers and mobile deposits, and we may be looking at even further evolution.…

  • Can I Deposit an Expired Check?

    Can I Deposit an Expired Check?

    Have you ever been sorting through the papers, the envelopes, the piles of coupons and catalogs on your kitchen counter and, all of a sudden, come across a check from days gone by? At first, you’re excited to pad your bank account a little; then, you see the expiration date. Discovering an expired check can…

  • Can You Write Off Military Uniforms on Taxes?

    Can You Write Off Military Uniforms on Taxes?

    Members of the Armed Forces devote so much to their country. Soldiers can spend extended time away from their homes and families and face great difficulty. These jobs often require additional purchases, as well as issued materials. Service members in the Armed Forces are often issued various uniforms and equipment for use in their duties.…

  • Eating For a Week on $20

    Eating For a Week on $20

    We have all been in this situation: you’re checking your bank account, and the results are not exactly as you expected. There are still a few days until payday, and your grocery bill is not exactly covered by what is remaining. Your day-to-day meals do not have to break the bank. You can do many…

  • Eating On a Dollar a Day

    Eating On a Dollar a Day

    In this day and age, and with the economic conditions of the world right now, it is getting more and more expensive to feed oneself and one’s family. Therefore, many are searching for a way to limit daily life expenses, including something so essential as their groceries. There are probably items in your cart that…

  • How Can I Get An Apartment With No Money

    How Can I Get An Apartment With No Money

    To buy an apartment or a house, you usually need to have the required funds. But you can get past this hurdle by following a few guidelines. Once you have these in place, you can get your dream apartment. Rising real-estate prices makes buying an affordable home challenging. But before you embark on searching for…

  • Friend Keeps Asking To Borrow Money

    Friend Keeps Asking To Borrow Money

    Friends are special. Unlike family members, you can choose with whom you want to be friends. They share in your joy, provide a shoulder to cry on, encourage you to be your best, and are always there for you. Having a friend is priceless. They come into your life at different stages but stay constant…

  • Fidelity Spire Vs Mint

    Fidelity Spire Vs Mint

    In this present day, it is very important to have a budget. Having a budget can help you keep track of your spending and ensure that you can save for the future. But, most importantly, it helps keep you out of debt. Against this backdrop, many Finance companies have come out with Budgeting Apps. This…

  • Best Vanguard Funds For Taxable Accounts

    Best Vanguard Funds For Taxable Accounts

    Vanguard is one of the largest investment companies in the world. They are the largest mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETS) issuer. They offer a vast array of no-load funds with low expense ratios. Vanguard funds are a good option for first-time investors. They are able to gain exposure and experience in the investment market.…

  • Best Solo 401K Providers

    Best Solo 401K Providers

    A solo 401k is a plan for self-employed business owners and their spouses. It is based on rules found in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). It allows business owners and freelancers to fund their own retirement accounts as well as offers a tax advantage. There is no age restriction to opening a solo 401k account.…

  • Can Flipping Houses Make You Rich?

    Can Flipping Houses Make You Rich?

    Maybe you’ve been binging HGTV, maybe your brother-in-law flipped a house once and made bank, or maybe you’re just looking for a fun new way to earn money. In any case, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about house flipping.   House flipping has become a very popular side hustle in recent years as…

  • Can I Cash a Check from Two Years Ago?

    Can I Cash a Check from Two Years Ago?

    Have you ever, in the process of cleaning out your old cabinets, stumbled across a check from times gone by? A birthday check from Grandma, a smaller paycheck, etc.? You may or may not be able to cash these outdated checks, but it will depend on your financial institution.   What Happens If You Deposit…

  • Can Someone Else Pay My Rent?

    Can Someone Else Pay My Rent?

    Rent, apartments, co-signers, and utilities. Oh, my! Sorting out your rent and dealing with landlords and property managers can be a hassle. Read below for important tips on keeping a roof over your head.   What is it Called When Someone Else Pays Your Rent? Many people are in situations in which another person provides…

  • 90/10 Portfolio

    90/10 Portfolio

    The 90/10 Portfolio is an investment strategy that delegates 90% of your portfolio to low-cost index funds and 10% to short-term government bonds. This method was put forward by the legendary investor Warren Buffet. This is an indexed approach to investing and serves as long-term investment stability. This type of investment generates higher yields. In…

  • Best Place To Invest $400,000

    Best Place To Invest $400,000

    What should you do if you find yourself having $400,000 in hand? Maybe it is an inheritance or an unexpected windfall. Whatever the reason, you should plan what your next step should be. While you decide what to do with the money, you can place it in a federally insured bank or a credit union…

  • 20 Million Net Worth Lifestyle

    20 Million Net Worth Lifestyle

    You can be considered rich if you have a net worth of 20 million. Net worth is the value of assets owned by an individual minus the liabilities. Assets would include :   Bank Accounts Investments Retirement Funds Value Of Properties Owned   Liabilities would include :   Debts Mortgage Credit Cards Personal Loans  …

  • When To Buy Diapers In Advance When Expecting?

    When To Buy Diapers In Advance When Expecting?

    Diapers, or nappies as they are sometimes known, are a type of underwear used by babies and toddlers. Disposable diapers are now used worldwide, ranging from expensive brands to cheap store varieties.   Marion Donovon is credited with inventing the first plastic-covered disposable diaper in 1946.   There are two main types of diapers, cloth…

  • Why You Should Be Getting Bakers Choice Bread At Dollar Tree

    Why You Should Be Getting Bakers Choice Bread At Dollar Tree

    Baker’s Choice bread products are dairy-free, nut-free, Kosher bread sold at Dollar Tree. The company hopes to add tortillas to its product range, but until then, they primarily sell white and wheat bread.   This brand is popular at discount stores because its products have extended shelf life and because the company offers direct delivery…

  • Best Cheap Toys For 10-Year-Olds That Won’t Break The Bank

    Best Cheap Toys For 10-Year-Olds That Won’t Break The Bank

    Whether it’s for a special occasion or perhaps your 10-year-old simply needs more entertainment during their summer break. A new toy doesn’t have to eat into your monthly budget.   Ten-year-olds are at an age where they’re rapidly growing out of “little kid toys,” but they may not be responsible enough for an expensive item…

  • What Is The Cheapest Thing You Can Buy? How Cheap Does It Get?

    What Is The Cheapest Thing You Can Buy? How Cheap Does It Get?

    These days when the cost of living is high, many people look for alternate means of reducing their expenditure. This can mean cutting down or replacing things that are more economical.   For instance, having more home-cooked meals means less spent on takeaways. Using public transport or using a bike to get about saves money…

  • When Does The Dollar Store Restock Their Shelves With All The Goodies You Want?

    When Does The Dollar Store Restock Their Shelves With All The Goodies You Want?

    A dollar store is a store that sells a wide range of items for one dollar or less. It is a retail store that sells apparel, health and beauty products, automotive parts, home furnishings, groceries, craft supplies, books, toys, and many other products.   Dollar stores are very popular because of their low prices and…

  • Small Inexpensive Gifts for Adults That Will Fit Within Your Budget

    Small Inexpensive Gifts for Adults That Will Fit Within Your Budget

    Who can afford to buy every birthday, anniversary, and holiday gift in today’s economy? Unfortunately, sometimes being frugal for the sake of stretching a paycheck means concentrating on the kids and neglecting the adults in our lives.   Fortunately, being thoughtful doesn’t have to break the bank, so consider these small and inexpensive gifts suitable…